Friday 13 November 2015

Articles on Health

Please read these articles on Health. You must also find 3 additional articles, related to these articles and save them in your POCKET!

1) conventional-vs-alternative-medicine-explained

Throughout this article conventional medicine is critisied. It criticises how doctors no longer worry about the heart but only curing the illnesses. Nowadays as the article mentions we over take pills, vaccines, etc so as to eradicate our problem straightaway. The article points out the importance of having a healthy lifestyle so as to prevent those problems. From this article we can get the idea that we over take medication and we shouldnt because we even take them when not required.

The article I read was about how stress can be helpful in certain situations. What affects us the most  is the way we interpret the way our body reacts. For example if you are very nervous before an exam and you think it is because you are going to fail, you are bound to fail. However, if you think that you are nervous because you are going to do it great, then your performance will increase. I chose this article as it offers us a different perspective concerning how stress affects us, which is commonly thought of as a bad thing. 

A young woman smoking and some burgers on barbecue.

The UN health body says bacon, sausages and ham are carcinogenic substances, ranked alongside cigarettes. For an individual, the risk of developing colorectal due to processed meat is very small, but it is increased if the amount of processed meat consumed is high.

The industries, rejected the extreme comparison between cigarettes and meats, which may affect their sales volume.
Scientist agree that this decision doesn’t mean that we need to stop eating red and processed meat, but that are salad or fish are more preferable, which also helps with obesity and health problems.

Finally, we should draw the line on whether it is more important to consider the meat risk that other realities which derive in diseases, such as sunburn, alcohol or the lack of exercise.

‘It’s not just about being angry occasionally ... these people were more likely to have been consistently angry.’

This article explains that recent studies have shown that there is a correlation between rage and premature death. Apparently, those people with a temper, who have a tendency to become enraged, especially males, are at a higher risk of dying prematurely, as it leads to blood pressure problems. However, the article also states that in many occasions, keeping your anger to yourself without venting it,  can lead to high blood pressure, which is not beneficial either.

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