Thursday 8 October 2015

IB - Official Report - structures and examples

The following structures have been taken from an official inspection report of a secondary school in England. If you wish to read the report to check how the structures have been used, you can click here

YEAR 12 IB Writing Preparation –
Structures from a ‘real-life’ Official Report of a school
You can use some of these sentence types and structures to help you write your report.
·         As a result of________ in this area,
·         The number of_____ has increased/decreased
·         The proportion of ____ known to be___ is below/ above average
·         There is a need to eradicate_____ in order to_____
·         Ensure all______ complete ______
·         Improve the effectiveness of______
·         Further develop ______ as a way of improving the_____
·         ______ requires revision because, whilst____ do_____, some ______ are/are not____
·         Over the last________, the proportion of____ has been broadly average/ above/ below
·         There have been significant improvements in___
·         From their starting points, _____ achieve particularly well/poorly in______
·         The progress that____ make is the strongest in____, the slowest in_______
·         ________ who are eligible for_______
·         As a result, there have been significant improvements/ changes______
·         The unvalidated result of_____
·         The level of____ is too inconsistent.
·         _______ are not always doing enough to meet the specific needs of________
·         The values of _____ are evident in the way that____ and have____
·         As a result of explicit______ and_____
·         Whilst the majority of _______ have______, some_____ do not always_______
·         ________ have very positive ideas on________
·         ________ is embraced by all and the result of this is____________
·         The ________ promotes ______ so that_______ clearly relate to both the local and international community.
·         Within the _______ there are ________, who add to the _____________ in the school.
·         ________ do not systematically share_____. Likewise, ______ is not always specific for their needs.

·         A review is not recommended as ________ now have a good understanding of the performance of______, particularly in terms of:

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