Thursday 1 October 2015

Bias & Sexism

Talk on Unconscious Bias

Questions on Unconscious Bias - Answer these using the structures from previous lessons

  • What does the speaker mean by saying it was an experiment from 1971?
  • What does the expression 'take a step back' mean? Why is this expression used?
  • 'The world was different back then'. What example is used to support the idea that bias is good?
  • What do you think about the pairing of Male/ Science & Female/ Liberal Arts? What does the speaker say about the speed of the response times?
  • What was happening in the 80s and 90s? Why was this happening? Is this still the case in 2015?
  • Do you agree that even a tiny bit of bias can have big consequences? Explain your answer.

Have a go! - Implicit Association tests

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