Wednesday 28 October 2015

Useful phrases for sequencing ideas

Useful phrases
Expressing and supporting opinions
I believe/do not believe that ... (because) ...
Personally I feel that ... Let me explain why.
In my opinion, ... Just consider ...
As I see it, … The reason is ...
It seems to me that… This is because ...
I would argue that for the following reasons.
I feel very strongly that ...
I am convinced that ...
I am of the opinion that ...
I am very much in favour of/against ...
I am completely opposed to ...
The reasons why I believe that ... are as follows.

Opening phrases
People (sometimes) claim that … but I feel that ...
It is often said/argued that ... However, it seems to me that ...
It is a fact that ...
Over the past few months/years, it seems that …
Recently, we have all become concerned that …
Nowadays, we are all realising that ...
In the past, people used to …, but now ...
These days, it seems that ….

Making statements
It is clear that ...
On the whole, it appears/seems that ...
We must take into account the fact that ....
It goes without saying that ...
It is important to remember that ...

Explaining/Expanding ideas and giving examples
... This means that ...
... This is largely due to ...
…For example/For instance, ...
…In other words, ...
Take, for example, the situation in ...

Listing arguments
Firstly/In the first place / To begin with, …
Secondly/A second area to consider is …
Another point to remember is ...
Finally, ...
In conclusion, ..
Last but not least, ...

Evaluating ideas, Dismissing contrary arguments
I think it is true that ...
I totally disagree/agree with the point that…
It is questionable whether …
I am sure/I doubt whether …
It is true that ... On the other hand, ...
While nobody can deny that ... , I would like to point out that …

It could be argued that … However, I would like to point out that ...
Despite all the arguments, I still feel that ...
Notwithstanding the claim that ... , I would argue that…
It may be true that ... , but all too often ...

I would urge you to consider…
I am sure you will agree that…
Surely you must agree that…

All in all, I think that ...
To sum up, I believe that ...
In conclusion, the facts suggest that ...

Wednesday 21 October 2015

IB Oral Assessment - preparation

Article: The trouble with acceptable language

·         What engenders racism?
·         Where does racism still exist (parts of society, countries in the world)? Why?
·         What can we do to counter racism?
·         Do racial quotas help solve racism?
·         Does multiculturalism help to prevent racism?
·         How do the media affect racism?
·         How successful are campaigns in sports?

Sexism and Gender Equality:
·         What are the stereotypical gender roles, in your society and in other global contexts?
·         In your opinion, is sexism still a problem in society?
·         In what different days do men and women experience gender inequality?
·         Will sexism ever disappear? What can be done to change views?
·         What is everyday sexism? What role do the media play in promoting sexist attitudes?

·         What are the advantages and disadvantages of multiculturalism?
·         To what extent is your society a monocultural or multicultural one?
·         Is there any danger of a homogenous culture?
·         Can a true multicultural society ever exist or is it just a utopian dream?

Can prejudice and bias ever be a good thing?
·         What is the difference between prejudice and bias?
·         Are either considered positive ways to approach people/life?
·         Are they inevitable?
·         What can be the negative consequences? How can they be avoided?
·         What is unconscious bias? Should we be concerned by what ours is?
·         What issues might unconscious bias cause?
·         Are stereotypes reductive or can they be useful?
·         In what ways does the media encourage stereotyping? How could the media have a positive impact on stereotypes?
·         Are stereotypes an example of racism/prejudice?

´Positive´ discrimination
·         What is ´positive discrimination´?
·         Where is it implemented?
·         What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?
·         In what ways could it be considered as offensive?
Political correctness
·         Is this a positive way of changing education and the views of society?

1st 2nd 3rd Conditional - REVISION POSTERS

Vocab from Readings Texts: Racism and Gender

Revise this QUIZLET LIST before our test and before we complete speaking assessments.

Thursday 8 October 2015

IB - Official Report - structures and examples

The following structures have been taken from an official inspection report of a secondary school in England. If you wish to read the report to check how the structures have been used, you can click here

YEAR 12 IB Writing Preparation –
Structures from a ‘real-life’ Official Report of a school
You can use some of these sentence types and structures to help you write your report.
·         As a result of________ in this area,
·         The number of_____ has increased/decreased
·         The proportion of ____ known to be___ is below/ above average
·         There is a need to eradicate_____ in order to_____
·         Ensure all______ complete ______
·         Improve the effectiveness of______
·         Further develop ______ as a way of improving the_____
·         ______ requires revision because, whilst____ do_____, some ______ are/are not____
·         Over the last________, the proportion of____ has been broadly average/ above/ below
·         There have been significant improvements in___
·         From their starting points, _____ achieve particularly well/poorly in______
·         The progress that____ make is the strongest in____, the slowest in_______
·         ________ who are eligible for_______
·         As a result, there have been significant improvements/ changes______
·         The unvalidated result of_____
·         The level of____ is too inconsistent.
·         _______ are not always doing enough to meet the specific needs of________
·         The values of _____ are evident in the way that____ and have____
·         As a result of explicit______ and_____
·         Whilst the majority of _______ have______, some_____ do not always_______
·         ________ have very positive ideas on________
·         ________ is embraced by all and the result of this is____________
·         The ________ promotes ______ so that_______ clearly relate to both the local and international community.
·         Within the _______ there are ________, who add to the _____________ in the school.
·         ________ do not systematically share_____. Likewise, ______ is not always specific for their needs.

·         A review is not recommended as ________ now have a good understanding of the performance of______, particularly in terms of:

Thursday 1 October 2015

Bias & Sexism

Talk on Unconscious Bias

Questions on Unconscious Bias - Answer these using the structures from previous lessons

  • What does the speaker mean by saying it was an experiment from 1971?
  • What does the expression 'take a step back' mean? Why is this expression used?
  • 'The world was different back then'. What example is used to support the idea that bias is good?
  • What do you think about the pairing of Male/ Science & Female/ Liberal Arts? What does the speaker say about the speed of the response times?
  • What was happening in the 80s and 90s? Why was this happening? Is this still the case in 2015?
  • Do you agree that even a tiny bit of bias can have big consequences? Explain your answer.

Have a go! - Implicit Association tests

Grammar Conditionals

12 AB Homework - using the information below, create a revision poster for the 3 conditionals. 

You must include key information, examples and a memorable/ visual way for you to remember the difference between the 3!