Tuesday 15 September 2015

Stereotypes & Auberge Espagnole

Task 2

Watch the extracts/timings of the film Auberge Espagnole that I have listed below:
Auberge Espagnole is a film set in Barcelona about a group of International Erasmus students. The film presents some stereotypes.

1) Make a list of the different national stereotypes that are presented. (Italian, British, French, Spanish, Catalan, Belgian, German)

2) Does this presentation of national stereotypes encourage prejudice/racism? 
3) Choose 2 of the stereotypes - one that you agree with and one that you disagree with and explain your opinion.

Part 2 (Especially from 1.15mins - 7min) (9.05 mins - 12.40 mins) (46.15mins - 50.11mins)
Part 3 (Especially from the beginning - 7.25)

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