Monday 28 September 2015

Finding an angle... USEFUL STRUCTURES

We will need to be able to express our findings in a professional way for the oral exam. You may find these expressions useful when talking or writing about your chosen area of study.

  • …says we tend to associate…. With the words…
  • It is true that we tend to associate… with…
  • My personal attitude to this is…
  • His/her personal attitude to this seems to be
  • His/ her belief appears to be that
  • For me, it is difficult to understand where the writer is coming from
  • It would be difficult to envisage change in this respect
  • The idea of…. Is used to highlight…
  • True that he does make some legitimate points
  • This proves to us…
  • The author challenges the norm by saying
  • He errs on the side of caution
  • Her stance with regard to this matter is rather…

Please ask for examples on how to use these expressions if you are not sure!

Sunday 27 September 2015

PAU Grammar - Second Conditional...

For the Selectividad exam, they will expect that you can recognise the difference between the First, Second and Third Conditional - We will start with the 2nd! - this appeared on our Initial Assessment

Examples in action

Exercises to complete

Paul Bloom Questions

Ask the questions in full sentences in your notebooks, trying to use the vocabulary underneath to help you.

1) What does Paul Bloom say we tend to associate with the words "prejudice and bias"?

2) In his introduction, what is Paul Bloom´s personal attitude to prejudice and bias?

3) Why does Paul Bloom think we have become "good" at stereotyping? Why is it a necessary skill for us?

4) What does he use the idea of the dog, chair and apple to show us?

5) In your opinion, is the woman in the video´s question about giving "foreign aid" a legitimate worry?

6) What does the case study about Kandinsky and Klee prove to us?

7) What happened on Ebay with the sale of the baseball cards?

8) What has been the major catalyst in America for moral change/challenging bias and prejudice? What do you think about this? 

9) I think prejudice and bias illustrate a fundamental duality of human nature. We have gut feelings, instincts, emotions, and they affect our judgments and our actions for good and for evil, but we are also capable of rational deliberation and intelligent planning, and we can use these to accelerate and nourish our emotions, and in other cases stop them. And it's in this way that reason helps us create a better world.

Do you agree or disagree with this final statement?

Useful Vocab
As far as i´m concerned/In my opinion
I´m no expert but generally speaking …
This idea/case study suggests that ...
It’s inevitable that …
Although it seems like a huge generalisation, maybe there is some truth in this stereotype because
Whilst I don´t find the texts personally offensive, stereotypes do lead to …
To marry up to
To consist of
To give rise to
To end up believing
To wind me up
To fit in with
To challenge preconceptions

A cliche

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Stereotypes & Auberge Espagnole

Task 2

Watch the extracts/timings of the film Auberge Espagnole that I have listed below:
Auberge Espagnole is a film set in Barcelona about a group of International Erasmus students. The film presents some stereotypes.

1) Make a list of the different national stereotypes that are presented. (Italian, British, French, Spanish, Catalan, Belgian, German)

2) Does this presentation of national stereotypes encourage prejudice/racism? 
3) Choose 2 of the stereotypes - one that you agree with and one that you disagree with and explain your opinion.

Part 2 (Especially from 1.15mins - 7min) (9.05 mins - 12.40 mins) (46.15mins - 50.11mins)
Part 3 (Especially from the beginning - 7.25)

Cultural and National Stereotypes and Prejudice

1) Look at the following poster and consider these stereotypes of the different European countries.

Are they:

  • Offensive or useful?
  • True or exaggerated?
  • Is this racism?

2) Stereotypes Vocab

3) Your task:
üChose 5 nations – Think about your cultural and national stereotypes about them
üPresent your ideas on a poster (like the European one we have just looked at)
üBe creative – think about how to present your ideas effectively – You could use a Word documentPoppletPrezi

Monday 7 September 2015

University Entrance Exam 2015/2016: English

Marked out of 10:
·         3 for Reading Comprehension (15 lines approximately)
·         4 for Use of English
·         3 for Writing
Reading Comprehension (3 marks)
3 or 4 questions are multiple choice 0.5 marks
3 or 4 questions are worth 0.5 marks each, where you state TRUE or FALSE and find a quotation from the text
Use of English (4 marks)
Part 1: 6 questions are worth 0.25 marks each
·         Synonyms
·         Root words
·         Finding words in the text from a definition
·         Groups of words with similar meanings
·         Prepositions
·         Phrasal verbs
Types of questions:
• find in the text one synonym / opposite for “ejemplo” (clase de palabra*).
• give one synonym / opposite for “ejemplo” (clase de palabra*) as it is used in the text.
• find in the text one word / expression meaning “ejemplo de definición”.
• find in the text the word which has the following definition: “ejemplo de definición”.
• which word is not a (clase de palabra*)?
• which word does not have the same meaning?
• complete the series with another word from the same semantic group.
• give a (clase de palabra*) with the same root as “ejemplo” (clase de palabra*).
• fill in the gap with a correct (adjective/adverb/noun/verb/...).
• fill in the gap with a correct form of the verb in brackets.
• fill in the gap with the correct option.

Part 2: 5 questions are worth 0.5 marks each
·         Verb tenses
·         Relative pronouns / Defining and non-defining clauses
·         Creating questions
·         Conditional sentences
·         Active or Passive voice
·         Reported speech
·         Word order in sentences
Types of questions:
• turn the following sentence into the passive voice / active voice.
• turn the following sentence into reported speech / direct speech.
• join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use and, but, or because). make changes if necessary.
• join the following sentences using a relative. make changes if necessary.
• rewrite the sentence without changing its meaning. begin as indicated.
• rewrite the sentence correctly.
• complete the following (conditional) sentence.
• use the words in the boxes to make a meaningful sentence. use all and only the words in the boxes without changing their form.
• give a question for the underlined words.

Writing (3 marks) Write approximately 120 words
A – Grammatical accuracy – you will be given a mark of either 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 or 1
·         Verb tenses, Verb–subject agreement, prepositions are accurate
B – Vocabulary – you will be given a mark of either 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 or 1
·         A range of vocabulary, used correctly (no Spanglish)
C – Communication and organization – you will be given a mark of either 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 or 1

·         Ideas are well organised and clearly explained, paragraphs are well structured and not repetitive, connectives are used effectively

IB DP Content and Examination Overview

IB English Core Topics
  • Communication and media
  • Global Issues
  • Social Relationships

IB English Optional topics
  •  Cultural diversity
  •  Customs and traditions
  •  Health and Lifestyle
  • Leisure
  • Science and Technology

IB Diploma Eng Lang B: Writing styles
  • Article
  • Blog/diary entry
  • Brochure, leaflet, flyer, advertisement, pamphlet
  • Essay
  • Interview
  • Introduction to debate, speech, talk, presentation
  • News report
  • Official report
  • Review
  • Set of instructions/ Guidelines
  • Written correspondence (Formal and Informal letter)

IB Assessment
Internal Assessment
Speaking (30%)
  • Individual oral (20%)
  • Interactive oral activity:(3 Activities) (10%)

External Assessment:
Written Assessment (20%): 600  words - Marked by external person

Final Exam:
  • Paper 1 (25%) Reading
  • Paper 2 (25%): Writing

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