Thursday 3 March 2016

Term 3: Interactive Orals no.1

Interactive Oral Activity: 10% of final IB mark

There are two assessment criterias:

Crit A: Productive skills: Fluency, clarity, acuurate and varied language, intonation (5 marks)

Crit B: Expression of simple and complex ideas. flow (5 marks)

Picture of lots of chairs in tables in a classroom.

Research the following topics about Seconndary Eductaion in the UK and ensure that you have an opinion on them:

  • Why is there a teaching staffing crisis in the UK 2015/2016?

  • What is OFSTED? Does it improve education? How does it affect teachers and pupils?
  • What are common concerns/ worries for UK teachers?
  • Should pupils be tested regulary and labelled with a grade? Is this productive? Does this help progress?
  • What is the purpose of education?